Wednesday, October 15, 2008

How the dichtomy of politics is ruining my nation, Pt. 1

Today, as I was doing my daily perusal of Facebook I noticed an event posting by a friend in one of my classes, the VP Debate Watching Party. The fact someone actually posted such an event showing they actually give a damn about what is going on in my country excited me. I quickly looked at the invited guests and realized it was strictly Liberals. As I perused further, I saw the following picture to my disgust.

Now to be honest, I am not a Democrat, but hell I’m not even a Republican. I am just NOBAMA. I have a tendency to be conservative on most issues, most to the chagrin of my proposed profession and classmates. On any political views test, I usually land in the Libertarian point of view area. I find the fact that any proposed motto should say “I hate the opposing party and everything they stand for!” repulsing. Everything is quite an encompassing word, as is hate. I have friends on both sides of party lines, some who will be cheering Biden on tonight and others who pray that Sarah Palin puts the media in its place tonight. I can say this, that just because I disagree on a few issues does not mean I hate someone. Now I could sit here and play devil’s advocate to how foolish such a motto is, but I will not. To make a point I will say this, if one party says they hate Terrorism, what does that motto say?

As with any election year, headlines plague the media with headlines saying “Democrats hate Republicans”, “Republicans blame the Dems”, and every once in awhile someone like Ron Paul or Ross Perot get a few quips in. Honestly, I am fed up with this ridiculous dichotomy. Has American politics come to the point where you can only share the views of two parties respectively, and anything different be ridiculed out of a real shot at any public office regardless of public opinion? Do Americans today lack the courage and intelligence to stand behind issues they care about, rather than following blindly what the Dems or GOP dictate? These two parties are not even the same parties they were 50 years ago! The media questions why presidential contenders such as Ron Paul has a substantial following. I will tell you the answer, he has BALLS OF STEEL!

Just look at Youtube, the man is everywhere. In the wake of the financial crisis, it wasn’t Obama or McCain who said I have solution. Both candidates jumped on the Bush Administration bandwagon with little disagreement to push through Congress a bill that my friends I feel will shatter the US economy because it was quick fix, not a long-term overhaul. Ron Paul was one of 202 US Representatives who made a stand by defeating the bill and told Americans exactly why he did it. Presidential elections have become merely a popularity contest between the two parties’ candidates who put the American people through a circle jerk contest trying to decide who has the bigger penis. The problem is at the end of the day, both candidates lack the substance to take any real stands on real issues, only on safe issues. I find it ironic that McCain labels himself as a maverick, but the only maverick I have seen over the last months has been a representative from the Lone Star State who is not even running anymore.

It is my hope and prayer tonight that the Vice-Presidential debates showcase the real views of both the senior senator from Delaware and the Governor of Alaska in a nonpartisan environment. That Palin breaks out of her shell and shows us exactly what she is about and that Biden provides something of an inkling that would give me safeguard, just in case Obama does win this election. My hope is, that in the wake of financial disaster, this evening is not used as an opportunity to blame the opposite party; but discuss point of views on the issues. In closing, my hope is the candidates regardless of political affiliation show they have the substance to take a hard stand on the issues, not just what media wants to hear.

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