Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A devalued Government...what our future needs!

Daniel Hannan MEP from South East England is the epitome of the leader we need today. Finally, a politician who will stand up for what he truly believes and takes his job seriously has graced our world.

In the last 50 or so years, one could probably count on their fingers the number of men like him in the US Congress. He was born on the wrong side of the pond. Let's face it, we are in a global economic downturn that is leading to a recession comparable to the Great Depression. This is not a time for "say one thing and do another", using smoke and rings to cover up the true problem, or eloquently giving empty statements. Politicians need to cut the easyspeak bullshit and say whats actually on their constituents' minds and hearts. There is too much at stake here. Why isn't anyone giving a damn!?!?!

Out of the 100 US Senators and 435 US Representatives, only 1 man is standing up against this immoral regime that is plummeting our futures down to Hell, Ron Paul. While I respect the man and agree with a majority of his policies, he cannot even touch this guy Daniel Hannan. When will a truly respected Congressman grow the stones to confront Obama and his administration with such a tone and manner? I'm not talking about Rush Limbaugh (who does that pretty much every time he's on the air), Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck. These men are just paid opinionists. We need elected officials who stand by their ground, unwavering. Men and women willing to put themselves on the line for the better good of our nation. Men and women with the elocutionary talents comparable to this man from Parliament.

It is my prayer that out of this chaos and travesty, young men and women will be cultivated to act as Daniel Hannan did to the Prime Minister of England and tell our leaders what is right. We are tired of the lies and deception. Your plan has proven to fail. Let's do what we need to do to make our nation prosperous and respected once again. Let's grab the reins and become stewards of our monies. Accept responsibility for our actions. Realize the consequences affect more than just ourselves, but those all around us. Let's put value back into our devalued government.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Economic Crisis...the gateway to usurpation of power

America...WAKE UP!

There have been so many troubling news articles circulating that frankly baffles me. Let's start with the never ending economic crisis. President Obama stood up to our nation today and told us why we need his budget plan. A $3.94 trillion dollar budget. A projected $9.3 trillion dollar deficit over a 10 year period. That's 82% of our GDP. I don't care your party affiliation. That's downright fiscal irresponsibility. You don't take a nation already in over a trillion dollars in debt and keep going. His "thinking", if it can even be called that, is the whole reason we are in the situation we are right now. America cannot afford to pay that back. It's a unfair burden placed on the future of America. He keeps saying oh, the spending is to further education, blah blah blah. ONE PROBLEM... He's destroying everything they will need to prosper after getting an education. In one year, America's wealthy have dropped on average 30% between each income bracket. That's 30% less billionaires, 30% millionaires! The people this man keeps condemning are the ones expected to pay for his damn budget. Now, they can't. His budget and tax policies punish the giving, the employers, the people who actually make this country tick! Yet, America does nothing. We just stand to the side, bend over and grab our ankles.

It just gets better. Today, articles surfaced saying that Treasury Secretary Geinther wants to take over these troubled companies and run them to get them back on track. Maybe he should focus more time on getting America back on track! What makes him think he can do a better job at the same time? These are multi-billion dollar companies and he already has the charge of controlling this massive debt Obama keeps jamming down our throats. The government does not need to be running businesses, that is not their job! This unprecedented usurpation of the power in the economic sectors is infuriating. Let them fail! It is time for the consequences of our actions to come forth. It is the only way we can learn. Spending massive amounts of fiat money does nothing, but increase our economic turmoil. Gold jumped ridiculous amounts to above $920 an oz. The FED needs to be dismantled. The American dollar as a world currency is seeing its end. It is on the verge of becoming worthless. So far all this economic crisis has done is place the private sector into the hands of the Government. Yet, We stand here and do nothing. The elected officials in Washington stand there and let it get worse. DO SOMETHING DAMNIT!

To continue on, the Missouri report came out this week. Much to surprise, I personally have been labeled an extremist possibly a terrorist because of my core beliefs. The basis for a so-called "modern Militia". Might I add my core beliefs are no different than every Texan, conservative or God-fearing man in America. No different than so many before me, than those who made this country great. Since when did being tough on crime, fiscally responsible, protecting our nation for foreigners, having faith in God and loving our country, the basis to be an extremist. For the record, Ron Paul was vying for the Republican ticket, not a third party. They can't seem to figure out the reason third party candidates are looking so damn good is because the current dichotomy of our political system is tearing apart a country I love. Basically, if your an American who gives a damn about the future of your country and disagree with the current and previous policies running it, you are a terrorist.

I now consider myself the loyal opposition to the current administration and those running our nation. I will do anything for my country. Do not get me wrong. I respect the position of the Presidency, the rest of the executive branch, the legislative branch and the judiciary. However, respect does not mean turning my eye to what I see to be huge flaws. This is a country of the people, for the people and by the people! I refuse to believe that the current direction of our nation is for the people or by the people. At some point, its time to just say enough is enough. Our voices need to be heard. Violence is not the answer, listening is. But if one thing I learned from Teddy Roosevelt, it never hurts to carry a big stick.

I can only pray to God that people open their eyes and realize how this will affect their lives, the lives of their children and future generations. Hopefully, God will open the eyes of Obama and grant him the guidance for these difficult situations. The answers Obama has are not democratic and encroach the foundations of our great nation. It is Obama's way or the highway right now. If he would stop stepping on the backbone of our country, we just might be able to get out of this crisis on top. He might see what makes our nation so great. He might realize this modern militia should it arise, will be his fault.